
LifeLine is a support programme developed by Causeway as a way of addressing the needs of service users who have come to the end of their government funded support (known as the National Referral Mechanism), and who are living in the community, but who still need the safety net of having someone to turn to for advice.
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Causeway has made a big difference in my life because without them I would never have felt confident and safe. They supported me emotionally, and they helped me move forward, step by step, and believe in myself again.

LifeLine Service User

LifeLine supports hundreds of survivors each month with regular phone calls and drop-in sessions which allows them to feel supported, and for advocates to address any problems they’re having, such as mental health issues, debt or homelessness before it gets out of hand.

The main things survivors seek support for are issues around their mental health and well-being, where to find legal advice, recovery from their experiences, and advice on how things work in the UK (e.g. making doctor’s appointments).

Service users are able to access our LifeLine support whenever they need to which provides a vital source of emotional comfort as they know there is always someone they can rely upon for help. This continued support into independence and empowerment is essential in fostering resilience and preventing people from falling back into exploitation or becoming vulnerable to abuse.

If you would like to make a referral into LifeLine, please click below.