
Campaign highlights careers in modern slavery support


A campaign highlighting the benefits of a career in modern slavery support launched this week with the aim of recruiting people to work across our modern slavery services.

Your Fresh Start is Their Fresh Start, features Causeway staff members discussing their roles, how they got started, and what they love about their job.

As anyone whose worked with traumatised or vulnerable people knows, it’s not always easy. But whilst supporting survivors of exploitation on their road to recovery can be challenging, it is also extremely rewarding and life-affirming, and this campaign is a celebration of that.

Our staff may not be chasing targets or making profits, but by helping people recover from trauma, they can go home at the end of each day knowing they’ve made the world a better place.

Alison Connolly, Head of People and Culture at Causeway, said: "This campaign is such a great celebration of all the amazing diversity, skills, and passion that our staff bring to their roles. Careers supporting survivors of modern slavery don't just change the lives of the survivors, it can change the lives of our employees too. Our staff say that working here helps them grow in confidence, learn new skills, develop strong friendships, and really grow as people. That's why we want people from all walks of life, and all backgrounds and cultures, to really think about a role at Causeway, and to see what we have to offer."

An estimated 50 million people around the world are trapped in modern slavery and exploitation, with more than 100,000 here in the UK.  Causeway are one of the largest providers of modern slavery support in the country, and our team of nearly 200 staff work with over 2,000 individuals each year.  

However, as our charity continues to grow, and the need for modern slavery support intensifies, we are looking for people to join our team.

Are you a new graduate, career mover, or somebody simply looking to find out more about modern slavery support roles?  

Join our free webinar on Tuesday July 2nd at 11am to hear from our recruitment team and modern slavery support staff, to see what the job entails, and whether a career in modern slavery support is for you!